Category: Web Crowling

Abubusoft Blog

JHipster: a glue to develop modern web application with Angular/React and SpringFramework

JHipster is a complete suite of frameworks and libraries to develop a modern web application. It uses Angular and React to build front-end and Java Spring framework. It can be very useful if you need to develop a CRUD application in a short time. Some links (some of them are in Italian):…
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Interesting site: offers a simple but useful host service to publish a static web site. I find it useful for my Angular development. The link is:

Webview or Chrome custom tabs?

During my app development on the Android platform, I always used the WebView component. I notice it is a slow component, but it does what it must do. Today I found some useful link about another widget to include web content in my Android app: the Chrome custom tab. I’ve already heard about it, but…
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